Dr. Bruce J Kirenga
Dr Bruce Kirenga is Chief Research Scientist and founding Director of the Makerere University Lung Institute. He is also Senior Lecturer (Pulmonary Medicine) in the Department of Medicine, Makerere University. Bruce formally trained in internal medicine at Makerere University and completed specialty registrar training in Pulmonary Medicine at Mulago Hospital and proceeded to complete an additional year of clinical and research training in the Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Yale University, USA. Bruce also completed a 2-year Masters clinical research fellowship of the University of Amsterdam offered at the University of Rwanda, School of Public Health in Rwanda. He completed a PhD in Medicines from the University of Groningen in The Netherlands.
Teaching Experience
Dr Kirenga has been Teaching Pulmonary, General Internal Medicine and Ethics since 2009 when he joined the Department of Medicine’s Pulmonology Unit. He is a mentor of several junior physicians in Pulmonary Medicine and Epidemiology.
Bruce’s main interest are in clinical and epidemiological research in the areas of obstructive lung diseases and their determinants as well as tuberculosis. Recently he has established a lung cancer research program and is actively involved COVID-19 research.
- Najjingo I, Muttamba W, Kirenga BJ, Nalunjogi J, Bakesiima R, Olweny F, Lusiba P, Katamba A, Joloba M, Ssengooba W. Comparison of GeneXpert cycle threshold values with smear microscopy and culture as a measure of mycobacterial burden in five regional referral hospitals of Uganda-A cross-sectional study. PloS one. 2019 May 15;14(5):e0216901.
- Muttamba W, Kirenga B, Ssengooba W, Sekibira R, Katamba A, Joloba ML. Prevalence of Tuberculosis Risk Factors among Bacteriologically Negative and Bacteriologically Confirmed Tuberculosis Patients from Five Regional Referral Hospitals in Uganda. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. 2018 Dec 26: tpmd180281.
- Muttamba W, Ssengooba W, Sekibira R, Kirenga B, Katamba A, Joloba M. Accuracy of different Xpert MTB/Rif implementation strategies in programmatic settings at the regional referral hospitals in Uganda: Evidence for country wide roll out. PloS one. 2018 Mar 22;13(3): e0194741.
- Colleen Scott, Simon Walusimbi, Bruce Kirenga, Moses Joloba, et al. Evaluation of Automated Molecular Testing Rollout for Tuberculosis Diagnosis Using Routinely Collected Surveillance Data — Uganda, 2012–2015. Scott C. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2017;66.
- Ssengooba W, Kirenga B, Muwonge C, Kyaligonza S, Kasozi S, Mugabe F, Boeree M, Joloba M, Okwera A. Patient satisfaction with TB care clinical consultations in Kampala: a cross sectional study. African Health Sciences. 2016;16(4):1101-8.
- Nakaggwa P, Odeke R, Kirenga BJ, Bloss E. Incomplete sputum smear microscopy monitoring among smear-positive tuberculosis patients in Uganda. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2016 May 1;20(5):594-9.
- Kirenga, B. J., Ssengooba, W., Muwonge, C., Nakiyingi, L., Kyaligonza, S., Kasozi, S., … & Okwera, A. (2015). Tuberculosis risk factors among tuberculosis patients in Kampala, Uganda: implications for tuberculosis control. BMC public health, 15(1), 1.
- Bulage L, Imoko J, Kirenga BJ, Lo T, Byabajungu H, Musisi K, Joloba M, Bloss E. Quality of Sputum Specimen Samples Submitted for Culture and Drug Susceptibility Testing at the National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory-Uganda, July-October 2013. Journal of Tuberculosis Research. 2015 Aug 14;3(03):97.
- Kirenga, B. J., Ssengooba, W., Muwonge, C., Nakiyingi, L., Kyaligonza, S., Kasozi, S., … & Okwera, A. (2015). Tuberculosis risk factors among tuberculosis patients in Kampala, Uganda: implications for tuberculosis control. BMC public health, 15(1), 1.
- Mfinanga, S. G., Kirenga, B. J., Chanda, D. M., Mutayoba, B., Mthiyane, T., Yimer, G., … & Massaga, J. (2014). Early versus delayed initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy for HIV-positive adults with newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis (TB-HAART): a prospective, international, randomised, placebo-controlled trial.The Lancet infectious diseases, 14(7), 563-571.
- Lusiba, J. K., Nakiyingi, L., Kirenga, B. J., Kiragga, A., Lukande, R., Nsereko, M., … & Mayanja-Kizza, H. (2014). Evaluation of Cepheid’s Xpert MTB/Rif test on pleural fluid in the diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis in a high prevalence HIV/TB setting.PloS one, 9(7), e102702.
- Kirenga, B. J., Levin, J., Ayakaka, I., Worodria, W., Reilly, N., Mumbowa, F., … & Joloba, M. (2014). Treatment outcomes of new tuberculosis patients hospitalized in Kampala, Uganda: a prospective cohort study. PloS one, 9(3), e90614.
- Mayosi BM, Ntsekhe M, Bosch J, Pandie S, Jung H, Gumedze F, Pogue J, Thabane L, Smieja M, Francis V, Joldersma L. Prednisolone and Mycobacterium indicus pranii in tuberculous pericarditis. New England Journal of Medicine. 2014 Sep 18;371(12):1121-30.
- Clark TG, Mallard K, Coll F, Preston M, Assefa S, Harris D, Ogwang S, Mumbowa F, Kirenga B, O’Sullivan DM, Okwera A. Elucidating emergence and transmission of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in treatment experienced patients by whole genome sequencing. PLoS One. 2013 Dec 11;8(12): e83012.
- B. J. Kirenga, W. Worodria, M. Massinga-Loembe, T. Nalwoga, Y. C. Manabe, L. Kestens, R. Colebunders, H. Mayanja-Kizza. Tuberculin skin test conversion among HIV patients on antiretroviral treatment in Uganda. 2013 Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 17(3):336–341
- Nakiyingi, L., Ssengooba, W., Nakanjako, D., Armstrong, D., Holshouser, M., Kirenga, B. J., … & Manabe, Y. C. (2015). Predictors and outcomes of mycobacteremia among HIV-infected smear-negative presumptive tuberculosis patients in Uganda. BMC Infectious Diseases, 15(1), 62.
- Fennelly KP, Jones-Lopez EC, Ayakaka I, Kim S, Menyha H, Kirenga B, et al. Variability of Infectious Aerosols Produced During Coughing by Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 2012. Epub 2012/07/17
- Bongani M Mayosi, Mpiko Ntsekhe, Bosch J, Pogue J, Gumedze F, Badri M,Jung, H, Pandie S, Smieja M, Thabane L, Veronica Francis, Kandithal M Thomas, Baby Thomas, Abolade A Awotedu, Nombulelo P Magula, Datshana P Naidoo, Albertino Damasceno, Alfred Chitsa Banda, Arthur Mutyaba, Basil Brown, Patrick Ntuli, Phindile Mntla, Lucas Ntyintyane, Rohan Ramjee, Pravin Manga, MBChB, Bruce Kirenga, Charles Mondo, James BW Russell, Jacob M Tsitsi, Ferande Peters, Mohammed R Essop, Ayub Felix Barasa, Mahmoud Sani, Taiwo Olunuga, Okechukwu Ogah, Akinyemi Aje, Victor Ansa, Dike Ojji, Solomon Danbauchi, James Hakim, Jonathan Matenga, Salim Yusuf. Rationale and design of the Investigation of the Management of Pericarditis (IMPI) trial: a 2X2 factorial randomized double blind multicentre trial of adjunctive prednisolone and Mycobacterium w immunotherapy in tuberculous pericarditis. American Heart Journal, available online 13 December 2012
- C. Wekesa, B. J. Kirenga, M. L. Joloba, F. Bwanga, A. Katamba, M. R. Kamya. Chest X-ray vs. Xpert® MTB/RIF assay for the diagnosis of sputum smear-negative tuberculosis in Uganda.2014 INT J TUBERC LUNG DIS 18(2):216–219
- Graeme Meintjes, Stephen D Lawn, Fabio Scano, Gary Maartens, Martyn A French, William Worodria, Julian H Elliott, David Murdoch, Robert J Wilkinson, Catherine Seyler, Laurence John, Maarten Schim van der Loeff, Peter Reiss, Lut Lynen, Edward N Janoff, Charles Gilks, and Robert Colebunders [on behalf of for the International Network for the Study of HIV-associated IRIS]: Tuberculosis-associated immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome: case definitions for use in resource-limited settings. Lancet Infect Dis. 2008 August; 8(8): 516–523.
- Bruce J Kirenga, Duncan M Chanda, Catherine M Muwonge, Getnet Yimer, Francis E Adatu, and Philip C Onyebujoh: Advances in the diagnosis, treatment and control of HIV associated tuberculosis. African Journal Of infectious diseases, Afr. J. Infect. Dis. (2012) 6(2): 29 – 40
- Woolley KE, Bagambe T, Singh A, Avis WR, Kabera T, Weldetinsae A, Mariga ST, Kirenga B, Pope FD, Thomas GN, Bartington SE. Investigating the Association between Wood and Charcoal Domestic Cooking, Respiratory Symptoms and Acute Respiratory Infections among Children Aged Under 5 Years in Uganda: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the 2016 Demographic and Health Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020 Jan;17(11):3974.
- Kwizera R, Wadda V, Mugenyi L, Aanyu-Tukamuhebwa H, Nyale G, Yimer G, Chakaya J, Denning DW, Gore R, Kirenga BJ. Skin prick reactivity among asthmatics in East Africa. World Allergy Organization Journal. 2020 Jun 1;13(6):100130.
- Bousquet J, Jutel M, Akdis CA, Klimek L, Pfaar O, Nadeau KC, Eiwegger T, Bedbrook A, Ansotegui IJ, Anto JM, Bachert C. ARIA‐EAACI statement on Asthma and COVID‐19 (June 2, 2020). Allergy. 2020 Jun 26.
- Kirenga B, Chakaya J, Yimer G, Nyale G, Haile T, Muttamba W, Mugenyi L, Katagira W, Worodria W, Aanyu-Tukamuhebwa H, Lugogo N. Phenotypic characteristics and asthma severity in an East African cohort of adults and adolescents with asthma: findings from the African severe asthma project. BMJ Open Respiratory Research. 2020 Feb 1;7(1).
- Brakema EA, van der Kleij RM, Vermond D, van Gemert FA, Kirenga B, Chavannes NH. Let’s stop dumping cookstoves in local communities. It’s time to get implementation right. NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine. 2020;30.
- Nantanda R, Buteme S, van Kampen S, Cartwright L, Pooler J, Barton A, Callaghan L, Mirembe J, Ndeezi G, Tumwine JK, Kirenga B. Feasibility and acceptability of a midwife-led health education strategy to reduce exposure to biomass smoke among pregnant women in Uganda, A FRESH AIR project. Global public health. 2019 Dec 2;14(12):1770-83.
- van Gemert F, de Jong C, Kirenga B, Musinguzi P, Buteme S, Sooronbaev T, Tabyshova A, Emilov B, Mademilov M, Le An P, Quynh NN. Effects and acceptability of implementing improved cookstoves and heaters to reduce household air pollution: a FRESH AIR study. NPJ primary care respiratory medicine. 2019 Aug 15;29(1):1-9.
- Singh SJ, Halpin DM, Salvi S, Kirenga BJ, Mortimer K. Exercise and pulmonary rehabilitation for people with chronic lung disease in LMICs: challenges and opportunities. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine. 2019 Dec 1;7(12):1002-4.
- Emuron D, Siddharthan T, Morgan B, Pollard SL, Grigsby MR, Goodman D, Chowdhury M, Rubinstein A, Irazola V, Gutierrez L, Miranda JJ. Lack of an Association Between Household Air Pollution Exposure and Previous Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Lung. 2019 Dec 1;197(6):793-801.
- Brakema EA, Tabyshova A, van der Kleij RM, Sooronbaev T, Lionis C, Anastasaki M, Le An P, Nguyen LT, Kirenga B, Walusimbi S, Postma MJ. The socioeconomic burden of chronic lung disease in low-resource settings across the globe–an observational FRESH AIR study. Respiratory Research. 2019 Dec 1;20(1):291.
- Kwizera R, Musaazi J, Meya DB, Worodria W, Bwanga F, Kajumbula H, Fowler SJ, Kirenga BJ, Gore R, Denning DW. Burden of fungal asthma in Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PloS one. 2019;14(5).
- Kwizera R, Katende A, Teu A, Apolot D, Worodria W, Kirenga BJ, Bongomin F. Algorithm-aided diagnosis of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis in low-and middle-income countries by use of a lateral flow device.
- Robertson NM, Kayongo A, Siddharthan T, Pollard SL, Villalobos JG, Ladd-Acosta C, Kirenga B, Checkley W. The role of epigenetics in respiratory health in urban populations in low and middle-income countries. Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics. 2019;4.
- Simkovich SM, Goodman D, Roa C, Crocker ME, Gianella GE, Kirenga BJ, Wise RA, Checkley W. The health and social implications of household air pollution and respiratory diseases. NPJ primary care respiratory medicine. 2019 Apr 26;29(1):1-7.
- Kwizera R, Musaazi J, Meya DB, Worodria W, Bwanga F, Kajumbula H, Fowler SJ, Kirenga BJ, Gore R, Denning DW. Burden of fungal asthma in Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLOS ONE. 2019 May 16;14(5):e0216568.
- Siddharthan, T., Grigsby, M., Morgan, B., Kalyesubula, R., Wise, R. A., Kirenga, B., & Checkley, W. (2019). Prevalence of chronic respiratory disease in urban and rural Uganda. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 97(5).
- Kibirige D, Sanya RE, Nantanda R, Worodria W, Kirenga B. Availability and affordability of medicines and diagnostic tests recommended for management of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review. Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology. 2019 Dec;15(1):14.
- Kirenga BJ, de Jong C, Katagira W, Kasozi S, Mugenyi L, Boezen M, van der Molen T, Kamya MR. Prevalence and factors associated with asthma among adolescents and adults in Uganda: a general population-based survey. BMC public health. 2019 Dec;19(1):227.
- Robertson NM, Nagourney EM, Pollard SL, Siddharthan T, Kalyesubula R, Surkan PJ, Hurst JR, Checkley W, Kirenga BJ. Urban-Rural Disparities in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Management and Access in Uganda. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases: Journal of the COPD Foundation. 2019;6(1):17.
- Kirenga BJ, Mugenyi L, de Jong C, Davis JL, Katagira W, van der Molen T, Kamya MR, Boezen M. The impact of HIV on the prevalence of asthma in Uganda: a general population survey. Respiratory research. 2018 Dec;19(1):184.
- Kirenga B, Nantanda R, de Jong C, Mugenyi L, Meng Q, Aniku G, Williams S, Aanyu-Tukamuhebwa H, Kamya M, Schwander S, van der Molen T. Lung Function of Children at Three Sites of Varying Ambient Air Pollution Levels in Uganda: A Cross Sectional Comparative Study. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2018;15(12):2653.
- Morgan BW, Grigsby MR, Siddharthan T, Kalyesubula R, Wise RA, Hurst JR, Kirenga B, Checkley W. Validation of the Saint George’s Respiratory Questionnaire in Uganda. BMJ open respiratory research. 2018 Jul 1;5(1): e000276.
- Kirenga BJ, Mugenyi L, de Jong C, Davis JL, Katagira W, van der Molen T, Kamya MR, Boezen M. The impact of HIV on the prevalence of asthma in Uganda: a general population survey. Respiratory research. 2018 Dec;19(1):184.
- Siddharthan T, Pollard SL, Quaderi SA, Mirelman AJ, Cárdenas MK, Kirenga B, Rykiel NA, Miranda JJ, Shrestha L, Chandyo RK, Cattamanchi A. Effectiveness-implementation of COPD case finding and self-management action plans in low-and middle-income countries: global excellence in COPD outcomes (GECo) study protocol. Trials. 2018 Dec;19(1):571.
- Katoto P, Murhula A, Kayembe-Kitenge T, Lawin H, Bisimwa B, Cirhambiza J, Musafiri E, Birembano F, Kashongwe Z, Kirenga B, Mfinanga S. Household Air Pollution Is Associated with Chronic Cough but Not Hemoptysis after Completion of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Treatment in Adults, Rural Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2018 Nov 15;15(11):2563.
- van Kampen SC, Jones R, Kisembo H, Houben RM, Wei Y, Mugabe FR, Rutebemberwa E, Kirenga B. Chronic respiratory symptoms and lung abnormalities among people with a history of tuberculosis in Uganda: a national survey. Clinical infectious diseases. 2018 Sep 18.
- Jones R, Muyinda H, Nyakoojo G, Kirenga B, Katagira W, Pooler J. Does pulmonary rehabilitation alter patients’ experiences of living with chronic respiratory disease? a qualitative study. International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 2018; 13:2375.
- van Kampen SC, Wanner A, Edwards M, Harries AD, Kirenga BJ, Chakaya J, Jones R. International research and guidelines on post-tuberculosis chronic lung disorders: a systematic scoping review. BMJ global health. 2018 Jul 1;3(4): e000745.
- van Gemert FA, Kirenga BJ, Gebremariam TH, Nyale G, de Jong C, van der Molen T. The complications of treating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in low income countries of sub-Saharan Africa. Expert review of respiratory medicine. 2018 Mar 4;12(3):227-37.
- Kirenga BJ, de Jong C, Mugenyi L, Katagira W, Muhofa A, Kamya MR, Boezen HM, van der Molen T. Rates of asthma exacerbations and mortality and associated factors in Uganda: a 2-year prospective cohort study. Thorax. 2018 May 10: thoraxjnl-2017.
- van Gemert FA, Kirenga BJ, Gebremariam TH, Nyale G, de Jong C, van der Molen T. The complications of treating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in low income countries of sub-Saharan Africa. Expert review of respiratory medicine. 2018 Mar 4(just-accepted).
- Siddharthan T, Grigsby MR, Goodman D, Chowdhury M, Rubenstein A, Irazola V, Gutierrez L, Miranda JJ, Bernabe-Ortiz A, Alam D, Kirenga B. Association Between Household Air Pollution Exposure and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Outcomes in 13 Low-and Middle-income Country Settings. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 2018 Jan 11(ja).
- Kibirige D, Kampiire L, Atuhe D, Mwebaze R, Katagira W, Muttamba W, Nantanda R, Worodria W, Kirenga B. Access to affordable medicines and diagnostic tests for asthma and COPD in sub Saharan Africa: the Ugandan perspective. BMC pulmonary medicine. 2017 Dec;17(1):179.
- Jones R, Kirenga BJ, Katagira W, Singh SJ, Pooler J, Okwera A, Kasiita R, Enki DG, Creanor S, Barton A. a pre–post intervention study of pulmonary rehabilitation for adults with post-tuberculosis lung disease in Uganda. International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 2017; 12:3533.
- Morgan BW, Siddharthan T, Grigsby MR, Pollard SL, Kalyesubula R, Wise RA, Kirenga B, Checkley W. Asthma and Allergic Disorders in Uganda: A Population-Based Study Across Urban and Rural Settings. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice. 2018 Jan 17.
- Siddharthan T, Grigsby MR, Goodman D, Chowdhury M, Rubenstein A, Irazola V, Gutierrez L, Miranda JJ, Bernabe-Ortiz A, Alam D, Kirenga B. Association Between Household Air Pollution Exposure and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Outcomes in 13 Low-and Middle-income Country Settings. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 2018 Jan 11(ja).
- van Schayck OC, Williams S, Barchilon V, Baxter N, Jawad M, Katsaounou PA, Kirenga BJ, Panaitescu C, Tsiligianni KW, Zwar N, Ostrem A. Treating tobacco dependence: guidance for primary care on life-saving interventions. Position statement of the IPCRG. npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine. 2017;27.
- Kirenga BJ, Schwartz JI, de Jong C, van der Molen T, Okot-Nwang M. Guidance on the diagnosis and management of asthma among adults in resource limited settings. African Health Sciences. 2015;15(4):1189-99.
- Kirenga BJ, Jones R, Muhofa A, Nyakoojo G, Williams S. Rapid assessment of the demand and supply of tobacco dependence pharmacotherapy in Uganda. Public health action. 2016 Mar 21;6(1):35-7.
- Gemert FV, Kirenga B, Jones R. The significance of early-life prevention of COPD in sub-Saharan Africa: findings from the FRESH AIR UGANDA survey. News and Notes. 2016 Mar;11(2):4.
- Kirenga BJ, Qingyu M, Frederik van Gemert, Hellen Aanyu-Tukamuhebwa, Niels Chavannes, Achilles Katamba, Gerald Obai, Thys van der Molen, Stephan Schwander, and Vahid Mohsenin. “The State of Ambient Air Quality in Two Ugandan Cities: A Pilot Cross-Sectional Spatial Assessment.”International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12, no. 7 (2015): 8075-8091.
- Molen T, and Kirenga B. “COPD: early diagnosis and treatment to slow disease progression.” International journal of clinical practice 69, no. 5 (2015): 513-514.
- van Gemert, F., Kirenga, B., Chavannes, N., Kamya, M., Luzige, S., Musinguzi, P., … & de Jong, C. (2015). Prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and associated risk factors in Uganda (FRESH AIR Uganda): a prospective cross-sectional observational study. The Lancet Global Health, 3(1), e44-e51.
- Van Gemert, F., Chavannes, N., Nabadda, N., Luzige, S., Kirenga, B., Eggermont, C., … & van der Molen, T. (2013). Impact of chronic respiratory symptoms in a rural area of sub-Saharan Africa: an in-depth qualitative study in the Masindi district of Uganda. Primary Care Respiratory Journal,22(3), 300-305.
- Serugendo, A. N., Kirenga, B. J., Hawkes, M., Nakiyingi, L., Worodria, W., & Okot-Nwang, M. (2014). Evaluation of asthma control using Global Initiative for Asthma criteria and the Asthma Control Test in Uganda. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 18(3), 371-376.
- Kaplan A, Gruffydd-Jones K, van Gemert F, Kirenga BJ, Medford AR. A woman with breathlessness: a practical approach to diagnosis and management. Primary Care Respiratory Journal. 2013 Nov 23;22(4):468.
- Kirenga, J. B., & Okot-Nwang, M. (2012). The proportion of asthma and patterns of asthma medications prescriptions among adult patients in the chest, accident and emergency units of a tertiary health care facility in Uganda. African health sciences, 12(1), 48-53.
- Sanya, R. E., Kirenga, B. J., Worodria, W., & Okot-Nwang, M. (2014). Risk factors for asthma exacerbation in patients presenting to an emergency unit of a national referral hospital in Kampala, Uganda. African health sciences, 14(3), 707-715.
- B J Kirenga, L Nakiyingi, W Worodria and M Okot-Nwang: Chronic respiratory diseases in a tertiary healthcare facility in Uganda. African Journal of Respiratory Medicine. Vol 8 No 2 March 2013
- Cragg L, Williams S, Chavannes NH. FRESH AIR: an implementation research project funded through Horizon 2020 exploring the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of chronic respiratory diseases in low-resource settings. NPJ primary care respiratory medicine. 2016 Jun 30; 26:16035.
- Brakema EA, van Gemert FA, van der Kleij RM, Salvi S, Puhan M, Chavannes NH. COPD’s early origins in low-and-middle income countries: what are the implications of a false start? npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine. 2019 Mar 5;29(1):6.
- Nantanda R, Kayingo G, Jones R, van Gemert F, Kirenga BJ. Training needs for Ugandan primary care health workers in management of respiratory diseases: a cross sectional survey. BMC Health Services Research. 2020 Dec;20(1):1-0.
- Bongomin F, Kwizera R, Atukunda A, Kirenga BJ. Cor pulmonale complicating chronic pulmonary aspergillosis with fatal consequences: Experience from Uganda. Medical mycology case reports. 2019 Sep 1;25:22-4.
- Lunyera J, Kirenga B, Stanifer JW, Kasozi S, van der Molen T, Katagira W, Kamya MR, Kalyesubula R. Geographic differences in the prevalence of hypertension in Uganda: Results of a national epidemiological study. PloS one. 2018 Aug 1;13(8): e0201001
- Kalyesubula, Robert, Joseph Lunyera, Gyavira Makanga, Bruce Kirenga, and Timothy K. Amukele. “A 4-year survey of the spectrum of renal disease at a National Referral Hospital Outpatient Clinic in Uganda.” Kidney international 87, no. 3 (2015): 663-663.
- Viray MA, Wamala J, Fagan R, Luquez C, Maslanka S, Downing R, Biggerstaff M, Malimbo M, Kirenga JB, Nakibuuka J et al: Outbreak of type A foodborne botulism at a boarding school, Uganda, 2008. Epidemiol Infect 2014, 27:1-5.
- Sethi AK, Acher CW, Kirenga B, Mead S, Donskey CJ, Katamba A. Infection Control Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices among Healthcare Workers at Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda. Infection control and hospital epidemiology: the official journal of the Society of Hospital Epidemiologists of America. 2012;33(9):917-23. Epub 2012/08/08
- Bruce J Kirenga, Peter JM Kaddu, Alex Mugume, Margaret Nankya, Lydia Nakiyingi, Mathias Luwemba, Robert Asaba and Samson Kironde. Prevalence of cross generational sex and its association with Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection among tertiary institutions students in a suburban district in Uganda. UMJ (2012) 1(1)
ACTIVE Research Support
- LIGHT): Leaving no-one behInd, transforming Gendered pathways to Health for TB
Funder: FCDO, UK
PI: Bertie Squire
Dates: 2020-2026
Role: Country Team Leader, Site PI
- RE: U54 CA254566-01 “Lung Cancer in East Africa and the relationship to HIV-1 infection: epidemiology, molecular characterization and imaging
Funder: NIH/NCI
PI: Bob Salata
Dates: 2020-2025
Role: MPI
- COVIDRES_Uganda: COVID-19 Research, Uganda (Epidemiology, Therapeutic)
Funder: GoU/MakRIF
Dates: 2020-2021
Role: PI
- Global RECHARGE for Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Funder: NIHR
Dates: 2018-2021
Role: PI
- Makerere University Non-Communicable Diseases Training Planning Grant
Funder: NIH
Dates: 2017-09/2018
Role: PI
- Training in noncommunicable diseases biomedical, clinical, epidemiological and Implementation Science research to strengthen evidence-based interventions, policy and control
in Uganda.
Funder: NIH
Dates: 2019-2024
Role: PI
- Makerere University College of Health Sciences – Research training at the intersection of HIV/AIDS, Non-Communicable Diseases and Ageing
Funder: NIH
Dates: 2020-2021
Role: PI
- Translation Research into Policy and Practice: Scaling Up Evidence Based Multiple Focus Integrated Intensified TB Screening to End TB (EXIT_TB) in the East African Region
Funder: EDCTP
Dates: 2017-2020
Role: Site PI
- Evaluation of Standardized Regimens for Treatment of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis
Funder: USAID
Dates: 2017-2022
Role: Site PI