Dr. Joanitah Nalunjogi Mubiru
Research Fellow
- Group:Fellows
Dr. Joanitah Nalunjogi Mubiru
Research Fellow
Dr. Joanita Nalunjogi Mubiru is a Medical doctor with training in Epidemiology and Biostatistics.
She is passionate about evidence-based medicine and greatly involved in the conception, management, implementation and reporting of clinical trials with a bias to accuracy and efficiency.
At MLI she is the Clinical Trials Working Group (CTWG) team lead .
Nalunjogi has managed over 5 clinical trials including; the landmark STREAM, a multi-country MDR-TB treatment shortening trial that produced evidence on the use of Shortened treatment regimens for MDR-TB, the first Sudan Ebola Vaccine trial in Uganda under epidemic conditions which was ready to enrol in a record 75 days since outbreak declaration and the Shortened treatment regimens trial (STEP 2C) which is actively recruiting patients among others.
She has published work in peer reviewed journals and presented at various local and international conferences.