Dr Jane Nakibuka
- Group:VERC Team Investigators
Dr Jane Nakibuka
Is a Senior Consultant Physician-Intensivist and Head of Intensive Care Services at Mulago National Referral Hospital. Jane is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (FRCPE) and a Fellow of the College of Physicians of East, Central and Southern Africa (FCP, ECSA). She holds a PhD in Medicine and Masters Degree in Internal Medicine from Makerere University. She holds a certificate of fellowship training in Critical Care Medicine from Yale University School of Medicine in USA, a certificate of training in Applied Clinical Research and Evidence Based Medicine from the Infectious Diseases Institute in Uganda. Jane is passionate about improving critical care services in Uganda through active participation in and support of critical care training of health care workers from several institutions in Uganda. As one of Uganda’s clinical leads on the strengthening health workforce through Global learning (SCALE-Critical Care Program) of the Ministry of Health, she is actively supporting capacity building in the area of critical care medicine in Uganda. Jane is also a researcher with special interest in cardiovascular diseases, stroke, and critical care medicine. She is a member of the Ministerial Scientific Advisory Committee on COVID-19 in Uganda and chairs the Case Management sub-committee.