There is now growing consensus that chronic lung diseases such as asthma and COPD have their origins early in life, even in utero, and are influenced by several factors that affect lung development during the critical time of rapid organogenesis …
5 steps to keep healthy: Step 1 Understanding your lungs Step 2 Protect your lungs from damage Step 3 Keeping active Step 4 Taking medicines Step 5 Healthy eating
This is a collaboration of Mulago National Referral Hospital, UAB Pulmonary, Hopkins Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine and Ministry of Health.
The interface between the Lung Institute and the community is majorly done through the institute’s Community Advisory Board (CAB).
Makerere University Lung Institute is a champion in innovative lung health research that integrates disease prevention, clinical care and training in sub-Saharan Africa.
The iBreath training programme is an in-service training programme in the form of human resource development assistance to facilities to help them provide quality respiratory health services competently, safely and efficiently.