While lung diseases notably tuberculosis are still ragging on in many RLS, there is now an even bigger epidemic of non-communicable respiratory diseases such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), asthma and lung cancer. The impact of this high burden of diseases is compounded by several factors, among which is the very limited awareness and knowledge of these diseases by the population and even the health care professionals.
In view of the above MLI was established to champion lung health research that integrates disease prevention, clinical care and training in sub-Saharan Africa.
MLI started pioneer work on pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) for patients with permanent lung damage from TB. Previously, this treatment modality was mainly used for COPD and other chronic lung diseases and had never been tested in post TB patients. However, PR care was limited by the absence of appropriate equipment in Uganda which is available in developed settings. Therefore, PR practitioners improvised by using benches and recycled mineral water bottles filled with tap water as weights in many cases.
Our Programs
MLI runs several programs through its Departments of Education and Training
Clinical Services
Both children and adults respiratory diagnosis and care.
Research and Innovation
Through Prominent researchers.
Specialized Training Sessions
bronchoscopy, smoking cessation …
Day of Lung Science
DOLs are held once a month.
Capacity Building
To any institution whose focus is lung disease.
Learn more
Research, Innovation and Training
- Research Projects
- Research Groups
- Short Courses
- Day of lung Science (DOLs)
- Journal and Research Conference
- Non-Degree Research Fellowship